
Proxmox monitoring using #influxdb and #grafana running in a LXC container. Monitoring is a key part of the security and hardening process.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng / Unsplash

Monitoring is a must, and this is my fourth post on the subject. It's one of the security measures you do. Any drastic change in the vitals means you might have a problem. This is a quick setup you do in 30 minutes.


We need an unprivileged Linux Container (or a VM) for holding our database (Influx) and graphing app (Grafana).

Create the CT or VM

  • Setup with any ID and Hostname you like
    • Set a strong password
    • Set the SSH Public Key
  • Use any Template you like, e.g. Debian 12
  • Disk 8G on local-zfs for standalone. Use a common named or a shared storage in clusters. CT migration is not grate, but for a home lab it's acceptable.
  • CPU 1 core is plenty
  • Memory 1024 MiB and Swap 512 MiB
  • Network a fixed IP or, even better, make a reservation for it in DHCP.

Install Influx and Grafana

First, you need to upgrade the CT (VM).

apt update && apt upgrade -y

Then we can install new software on our Linux Container or VM.

Install InfluxDB

apt install influxdb influxdb-client

Install the database, InfluxDB

Configure InfluxDB

nano /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Locate the [[UDP]] section, near the end of the file, and edit it to something like:

  enabled = true
  bind-address = ""
  database = "proxmox"
  batch-size = 1000
  batch-timeout = "1s"

This is a basic example. Use your own settings

Go to the Proxmox GUI Datacenter → Metric Server, hit Add and choose InfluxDB.

Use the IP of the CT

Restart InfluxDB

Go to the console of the CT and

  • Restart the database systemctl restart influxdb
  • Enable it systemctl enable influxdb
  • Check for success systemctl status influxdb
  • Check for Influx basics influx
    • Check for databases show databases
    • Exit exit

Install Grafana

We will use the Enterprise Edition of Grafana 10.3.1 it is the default and recommended edition. It includes all the features of the OSS Edition. The license is Grafana Labs License.

apt install -y adduser libfontconfig1 musl

Install dependencies


Download Grafana

dpkg -i grafana-enterprise_10.3.1_amd64.deb

Install Grafana

  • Restart Grafana systemctl restart grafana-server
  • Enable Grafana systemctl enable grafana-server
  • Check for success systemctl status grafana-server

Configure Grafana

I have been using this dashboard, 10048 from Grafana Labs, but you select anyone you like from there or from GitHub / GitLab. The specs for 10048 is older than my Proxmox, Influx and Grafana, but it still works on the latest of them.

My test cluster. pve-2 is an old laptop running the Monitoring. I can select
  • Open browser and go to the
  • Login as User admin Password: admin
  • Create a new strong password
  • Open the Menu from the ☰ button
    • Select Connections and hit Add a new connection InfluxDB
      • Hit Add new data source, set these
      • Name: proxmox
      • URL: http//:
      • Database: proxmox
      • hit Save & Test button
    • Go to Dashboards and hit New and Import, we will use a JSON file
      • select one of your JSON files (10048_rev4.json) and hit Import
        • Set InfluxDB to proxmox and hit Import
        • If you see a red warning of no data, edit and add your Data source proxmox to that panel
        • Add any missing plugins cd /usr/share/grafana/bin and
          grafana-cli plugins install grafana-clock-panel
          • Restart Grafana systemctl restart grafana-server


To-Do, add tokens to protect you and all of us. All apps should be locked down.

Other Monitoring - Homepage

I use the Homepage app as my go-to dashboard. Homepage has a ton of Service Widgets, also one for Grafana.

- Grafana:
    icon: si-grafana #mdi-speedometer
    href: http://1192.0.2.200:3000/d/some id/proxmox
    description: Grafana Dashboard
      type: grafana
      username: UserName
      password: UseLongComplicated

Service Widgets I'm using

Like the ones for: Authentik, Cloudflare Tunnels, Grafana, Gotify, Navidrome, NginX, Nginx Proxy Manager, OPNSense, pfSense, Portainer, Prometheus, Proxmox, Proxmox Backup Server, Traefik, Transmission, TrueNAS, Uptime Kuma, Watchtower, Whats Up Docker and some of the Information Widgets.


InfluxDB [1] Grafana [2] Dashboards [3] Proxmox GUI [4] older post with Zabbix [5] Homepage app [6]

  1. InfluxDB homepage ↩︎

  2. Grafana homepage, Install on Debian/Ubuntu, download, Plugin Management, Grafana CLI ↩︎

  3. Dashboards to test Grafana Labs 10048, 18621. From GitHub edgeuno, bennetgallein, riponmollick66, ↩︎

  4. Proxmox Monitoring documentation ↩︎

  5. Monitoring using Zabbix and Grafana Monitoring Servers with Graphs, same but, running on Docker Monitoring your Servers, using flux Proxmox Monitoring ↩︎

  6. Homepage is an exellent dashboard homepage, wirgets, my post ↩︎